Your hosts

let's get to know each other... You will be welcomed by Aurore, Patrice and our three little companions, Igor, Odette and Olga. Our companions are part of our family, and only your rooms are totally forbidden to them, so if you have any allergies, please let us know, so that we can do what is necessary to isolate them and eliminate the slightest hair that could be unpleasant for you


aurore c’est moi, votre hôtesse j’ai de multiples centres d’intérêts. Tout d’abord l’humain, j’aime l’échange et le partage, la découverte de « l’autre », et faire plaisir. J’aime recevoir et faire de nouvelles rencontres. Mon travail est avant tout une passion, et je ne conçois pas de faire un métier où je n’apporte, ni ne prends du plaisir. J’adore cuisiner. Le repas est un instant de rencontre, une occasion d’échanges, de partage et de générosité, qui uni les gens. Je mets tout mon amour dans la préparation des plats qui raviront vos yeux et émoustilleront vos papilles. La décoration fait également partie de mes passions. J'ai le souci du détail et du bien-être, les jolies choses se font avec amour. Une seule fleur ne fait pas un bouquet, alors des fleurs et les plantes, il y en a partout jusque dans votre assiette. Je parle le français et un petit peu le portugais, quelques mots d’allemand et beaucoup le « Google traduction », mais avec de la volonté on ar


patrice is always in a good mood.He has another activity, he is attached to the management of a German company.The fact that he has his office at home, allows him to be very present, and he supports me as much as possible.But sometimes he travels to France and Germany.So he speaks German perfectly.He is passionate about his motorcycle, a Harley Davidson and by the contact and exchanges.At the end of the dinner he takes pleasure in offering you a small digestive, a tit schnaps as they say in Alsace


igor, is our little Pinscher, he is very lively, always on the lookout and very exclusive, protective and dominant.From the top of his 2 kilos, he is not afraid of anything.He is very wary, and if he will not let you carry him, he will gladly accept your caresses.Your calm and sociable companions will be well accepted by Igor, but if they are feisty and dominant it will be complicated.If you want to travel with them, please contact us


odette is a little bit secretive and independent, but if she feels confident she will let you pet her and give you a few purrs. Even if she does not particularly seek contact, she is absolutely not aggressive


olga is Odette's sister, you can tell her apart by her red collar. Unlike her sister, Olga is very playful, curious and sociable. If you allow her, she will not hesitate to come to your lap to be petted. She is always on the lookout to try to escape into your room, but this is a space that is forbidden to her, so don't give in to her sweet eyes